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By implementing multimedia innovations, we create an environment conducive for inspiration, creativity and effective collaboration, which strengthens the team spirit. Whether think tank, workshop room with digital creative board or agile workspace, modern room solutions pave the way for developing companies to succeed.

We combine local expertise with global know-how to develop state-of-the-art solutions for our partners. They say that we are good at spaces for hybrid work, workshop spaces for agile work, networking and meetup spaces, flexible openspace and co-working places.
By implementing multimedia innovations, we create an environment conducive for inspiration, creativity and effective collaboration, which strengthens the team spirit. Whether think tank, workshop room with digital creative board or agile workspace, modern room solutions pave the way for developing companies to succeed.

We combine local expertise with global know-how to develop state-of-the-art solutions for our partners. They say that we are good at spaces for hybrid work, workshop spaces for agile work, networking and meetup spaces, flexible openspace and co-working places.
From huddle or breakout rooms through ordinary meeting rooms to the big boardrooms, these are all spaces that solve the challenge of effective communication. When team members don't have to worry about problems with audio and video, or connecting colleagues from the home office to the meeting, magic happens: everyone can focus directly on their task. The more clearly and concisely we communicate thoughts to each other, the better we have the result of working together as a team.

We are burning with creative ideas and make the most awesome and effective solutions for our client, beginning from the cute meeting pod in an old fashioned Trabant car continued through agile communication space with 10m wide interactive projection with touch surface… and there is no end for our fantasy.
From huddle or breakout rooms through ordinary meeting rooms to the big boardrooms, these are all spaces that solve the challenge of effective communication. When team members don't have to worry about problems with audio and video, or connecting colleagues from the home office to the meeting, magic happens: everyone can focus directly on their task. The more clearly and concisely we communicate thoughts to each other, the better we have the result of working together as a team.

We are burning with creative ideas and make the most awesome and effective solutions for our client, beginning from the cute meeting pod in an old fashioned Trabant car continued through agile communication space with 10m wide interactive projection with touch surface… and there is no end for our fantasy.
FOR events
Corporate events are the best tool for building and maintaining team spirit.

We ensure clear reproduction of visual content as well as perfect sound and light in corporate event spaces of different sizes, all hands spaces and workshop areas for all event participants - regardless of whether you are in the same place or on different continents.

In addition to technical equipment of spaces with audio and video technology, we organize events (from small internal events to large conferences), as well as their all-round support - operation of video equipment, sound engineering, photo and video shooting.
Corporate events are the best tool for building and maintaining team spirit.

We ensure clear reproduction of visual content as well as perfect sound and light in corporate event spaces of different sizes, all hands spaces and workshop areas for all event participants - regardless of whether you are in the same place or on different continents.

In addition to technical equipment of spaces with audio and video technology, we organize events (from small internal events to large conferences), as well as their all-round support - operation of video equipment, sound engineering, photo and video shooting.
The first impression is always the strongest. The entrance area should clearly represent the mission and status of the company and brand identity.

By implementing modern multimedia technologies and digital art in lobbies and multi-purpose spaces with interactive functions, we create a visual identity of the company in the eyes of customers, partners, and employees. This way, everyone will remember this unique experience long after the visit.
The first impression is always the strongest. The entrance area should clearly represent the mission and status of the company and brand identity.

By implementing modern multimedia technologies and digital art in lobbies and multi-purpose spaces with interactive functions, we create a visual identity of the company in the eyes of customers, partners, and employees. This way, everyone will remember this unique experience long after the visit.
Today the private and the professional are becoming an integrated whole. Companies are increasingly interested in creating an environment where employees want to spend more time together, thereby solving the problem of team loyalty and productivity.

Following the concept of "work-life blending," companies create special spaces for entertainment of all kinds. Some need an office cinema and a cafe for relaxed socializing with colleagues, others dream of a game corner, a nap cabin or a fitness room. Whatever you have in mind, we can bring it to life.
Today the private and the professional are becoming an integrated whole. Companies are increasingly interested in creating an environment where employees want to spend more time together, thereby solving the problem of team loyalty and productivity.

Following the concept of "work-life blending," companies create special spaces for entertainment of all kinds. Some need an office cinema and a cafe for relaxed socializing with colleagues, others dream of a game corner, a nap cabin or a fitness room. Whatever you have in mind, we can bring it to life.
Outfitting a space with multimedia equipment that can make communication effective is only the first step. Companies also need content that will drive them to their primary goal, whether it's increasing employee productivity, sales or customer loyalty.

With a team of copywriters, graphic designers and digital content experts, we at MEDIA INTEGREAT create holistic multimedia spaces using world-class photography, video content and digital design. We produce advertising, event coverage and social media content to tell your unique story.
Outfitting a space with multimedia equipment that can make communication effective is only the first step. Companies also need content that will drive them to their primary goal, whether it's increasing employee productivity, sales or customer loyalty.

With a team of copywriters, graphic designers and digital content experts, we at MEDIA INTEGREAT create holistic multimedia spaces using world-class photography, video content and digital design. We produce advertising, event coverage and social media content to tell your unique story.
With the goal of creating an environment for effective communication, our work goes beyond designing multimedia spaces. We create a system for delivering consistent messages to the target audience across all channels through marketing communications.

MEDIA INTEGREAT's marketing team has the perfect balance of competencies - from strategic media planning and brand marketing to the development of creative advertising campaigns, corporate identity, social media marketing and large-scale events.

Our mission is to make creative ideas mind-blowing and profitable at the same time. We create projects you will be proud of.
With the goal of creating an environment for effective communication, our work goes beyond designing multimedia spaces. We create a system for delivering consistent messages to the target audience across all channels through marketing communications.

MEDIA INTEGREAT's marketing team has the perfect balance of competencies - from strategic media planning and brand marketing to the development of creative advertising campaigns, corporate identity, social media marketing and large-scale events.

Our mission is to make creative ideas mind-blowing and profitable at the same time. We create projects you will be proud of.
Projects that combine new technology and media art will be the game changer in developing new immersive experiences. Time-based and data-driven media artworks integrated into your office space create a unique storytelling environment that allows viewers to engage with your company's mission and vision.

With the support of our art & tech experts, your workplace can be enriched through images that reflect your brand identity and cleverly fit into your aesthetical design concept. State-of-the-art technologies such as customized software, powerful projection devices, large-format LED screens and much more can be used to display your messages.

In addition, our expertise in art advisory allows us to offer an informed and creative approach to your project, collection, or business. We collaborate closely with architects, interior designers, and museum curators to bring innovative ideas to life.
Projects that combine new technology and media art will be the game changer in developing new immersive experiences. Time-based and data-driven media artworks integrated into your office space create a unique storytelling environment that allows viewers to engage with your company's mission and vision.

With the support of our art & tech experts, your workplace can be enriched through images that reflect your brand identity and cleverly fit into your aesthetical design concept. State-of-the-art technologies such as customized software, powerful projection devices, large-format LED screens and much more can be used to display your messages.

In addition, our expertise in art advisory allows us to offer an informed and creative approach to your project, collection, or business. We collaborate closely with architects, interior designers, and museum curators to bring innovative ideas to life.